If we close our eyes, we can all visualize a child whining in our ears, complaining, "She did this to me!" "He did that!" It wasn't that hard to imagine, was it? Well, this time, picture an adult doing the same thing? Is that difficult for you to "see"? Let's be honest. Is this something you're guilty of? Yeah, I know. People are capable of doing some very cruel things, unimaginably at times when we least expect them. But what was your response to their behavior? Did your reaction to the situation tell the person you would accept this or similar behavior from them in the future? I'm not saying you should cut people off for the slightest offense. But you, me, we teach people how to treat us. We show them both what we will and will not tolerate. Communication is key. No one can advocate for you better than you. You are fully aware of what you do and do not like. If you don't like how someone treated you or the way something made you fee...
Unmute is a blog devoted to empowering sexual abuse survivors and those who have experienced personal trauma through recognizing the power of utilizing their own voice to unmute themselves and live their life to its fullest potential.