I can remember learning how to color back in kindergarten. My teacher would hold up a perfectly colored coloring sheet that she provided as an example of how the completed assignment should l ook. Next, she handed out the blank coloring sheets and gave the instructions on how to successfully complete the task. Excited, everyone would pull out their set of crayons and begin to color. She would walk through the rows of desks looking at the humble beginnings of these future masterpieces. Occasionally, she would remind us, "Children, remember to stay inside of the lines."Once completed, she would ensure names were on all the coloring sheets and then proceed to hang them up on the bulletin board for everyone to see. Having your artwork on display for the teacher, classmates and parents was a really big deal. Everyone one would huddle around the bulletin board to determine who submitted the " best" and "worst" work. The inspections were alw...
Unmute is a blog devoted to empowering sexual abuse survivors and those who have experienced personal trauma through recognizing the power of utilizing their own voice to unmute themselves and live their life to its fullest potential.