Although I am well into my forties I can avidly remember my childhood as if it were yesterday. Running races, playing hide and seek, blowing bubbles, building masterpieces in the sandbox, watching Sesame Street, or making wishes and believing they would come true. My all-time favorite go-to move was the classic do-over. If you played a game and you didn't like the way things were going, no worries, you could simply run to base, start over again, yell "Time out" "Freeze" or request a do-over and you just like that you would receive a fresh start or the game would stand still until you were ready to play again. I naively thought life would come equipped with this capability as well. If things g ot too tuff I could simply yell out "Time Out" and all of my worries and cares would effortlessly come to a s tandstill. After I regained my composure life co uld begin again after I was good and ready to opt back in. Imagine my surprise when I...
Unmute is a blog devoted to empowering sexual abuse survivors and those who have experienced personal trauma through recognizing the power of utilizing their own voice to unmute themselves and live their life to its fullest potential.